Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 56

Well we thought we were done with winter but Mother Nature had other plans for us!! It started snowing on Sunday night (3/1) around 7pm and didn't stop fully until Monday afternoon (3/2) around 5:30pm. Harry and I both stayed home and worked from there. We couldn't even get out of our driveway in the morning....there must have been about 14 inches of snow at the foot of our driveway. There are pros and cons of living on a busy street....we get plowed right away but then there is a ton of heavy, slushy snow right in front of our driveway.

Harry took the snow blower out and it took him about 1.5 hours to clear the driveway. We haven't had snow like this in a few years. Its beautiful to sit inside and watch it come down but horrible if you have to drive or be out it it.

Here are some pictures I took from the windows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks familiar - oh yeah, I'm just a few miles away! LOL Lucky you for being able to stay in and having a snowblower too. I had to shovel out by hand and go into work.