Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10

Today is a snow day AND a trip down memory lane! Well the big snow storm we were supposed to get seems to be fizzling out but it gave me a day to go through some old boxes I had in the garage.

The first 2 pictures for today are how I found some of my old high school and college pictures. Now as a scrapbooker, I am appalled that I would EVER have used one of those magnetic photo albums but I realized that even 25+ years ago, I was destine to be a scrapbooker. I know I have many more pictures but they are in a tin and not in albums like this. Guess this will be a good project for me to try in a few weeks.

Not only did I "scrapbook" photos but also I saved movie ticket and concert tickets. When I saw these tickets I knew I had to take a picture and put it on here. This was my very first concert....QUEEN...Sept 28, 1980! My uncle took my cousins and I to Madison Square Garden in NYC. I remember it being the best concert I have ever been to but then again who could top QUEEN? LOL

Take notice of the price.....$10.50 a ticket! We pay more than that now for just the fees on a concert ticket.

Ohh if I could only find my concert t-shirt from that night.....

1 comment:

Christine said...

oh my...what treasures you found!! I know you are going to really enjoy going through all this!