Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 52

Harry took me out for dinner for my birthday...we had sushi.

Of course we were playing around and he grabs my Blackberry and starts taking pictures of me.

When I stuck the edamame in my mouth like this he was laughing so hard! I just had to share!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I woke up this morning, very tired, then I remembered...its my birthday! It only comes once a year, so enjoy it! :D My birthdays are different than others...I got older each year until I hit 21...then I have stayed the same age for 23 years! Isn't that a great trick??? ;)

Day 50

This is where Pesto sits while I am on my computer. I think he thinks he is a bird the way he is perched on the printer. He then chases his tail and falls off of the printer. He does this every night....I didn't say he was the smartest cat around! HA-HA

Monday, February 23, 2009

Days 46, 47, 48 & 49

After a really rough week at work, I wanted to do nothing but stay in bed....hence the lack of posts to my blog. Sorry all!
It was a good weekend. Had the family over for dinner on Sunday. Everyone enjoyed then we had cake for my parents anniversary, my moms b-day and my b-day. The actual day is on Tuesday but its easier to get the family together on a Sunday. :D
I am hoping that this week will be a better week at work. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 45

Not a good day at work.

That's it.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 44

Last night was my Parents Meeting for my Daisy troop. The moms came with the girls. The girls colored and decorated some things, while I talked to the moms about the program. I think it worked out well and I even got 2 more girls that are interested in joining. YAH!!!

The uniform that the girls will be wearing is a blue tunic. They wear their pins on the left side and in the middle, the wear their "petals" which is the equivalent to badges for the older girls. Each petal is a different color and represents a part of the Girl Scout Law. The middle of the flower represents the Girls Scout Promise and the Law. They receive that after they can recite them both. They all seemed very excited! :D

Day 42 & 43

Not much going on. Just a nice relaxing weekend. Saturday night, Harry and I were watching a movie and of course Pesto has to be right there with us. He never leaves our side! LOL I saw him sitting on top of some boxes that I had in the corner and I had thrown a blanket in it...guess that was his clue to sit on too of it. I took this picture of him...look at how scary his eyes look! HA HA he looks like he is possessed!

Day 41

Today we celebrate Valentines day....a day early!
Harry and I are always disappointed in any restaurant on a holiday so we decided to go out on the 13th instead of the 14th. We went to our favorite restaurant 21 Main and had a fabulous meal. It was delicious as usual and we weren't rushed.

I even got the most beautiful flowers from Harry!
they smell as lovely as they look.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 40

Last night I had my very first Girl Scout Service Unit meeting. A Service Unit encompasses all of the troops in that area...from Daisies to Senior scouts. Its all the leaders and/or co-leaders. We get together once a month and discuss things going on, the coordinators let us know about events going on and deadlines we need to meet. I was a little nervous going into the meeting, because I didn't know a soul, never meet anyone face to face only spoke to a few either on the phone or email.

A sign in sheet was being passed around as the meeting started. when it got to me, I signed it then had to get up to pass it to the table behind me. As I got up, Sandy (the woman running the meeting last night) says "and I would like to introduce our newest leader, Lisa." with that, I am standing...I really just needed to pass the sign in sheet to the next table. I say that I didn't mean to stand that I was just passing the paper to the next table. I know I had the "deer-in-headlights" look on my face. Everyone just clapped and laughed at my remark. They made me feel very welcome. After the meeting, so many of the ladies came up to me to welcome me to scouting and tell me that if I needed any help to call them.

Now to an "untrained eye" would think this would go without saying, being that Girl Scouts should always be helpful right? Wrong! With my last troop SU meeting, I never felt welcomed. Never got any help. So, to get this type of reception was a 180 degree turn for me!! I even volunteered to help a Senior troop leader do a "Back to Basics" camping type training for the unit.

I told Harry that I think I am going to be VERY involved in this GS thing! He just laughed and said why should it be any different than anything else that you do. :D

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 39

I should have posted this on the correct day but ohh well here goes!

February 7, 2009, is a new birthday for me. Its been 4 years since my Gastric Bypass Surgery. Since that time I have lost over 180lbs and have gained my life back. It was a semi-hard process, anytime losing weight and keeping it off is a hard process. Of course at the beginning, the weight just sort of fell off of me, and as soon as I got signoff from the doctor (April 2005) to start exercising, I joined a gym and worked with a trainer for a year straight. That's what really helped me lose the weight and tighten up as much as I did. I still have about 40-50 lbs I would like to lose...easier said than done! I will do it though, then go for some plastic surgery to get rid of excess skin and to help my girls go back to where they belong. HAHAHA

I can not imagine ever going back to the weight that I was, I was so unhappy and uncomfortable. I got a compliment on FB the other day from someone that hasn't seen me in years. She asked if my FB picture was current because it looked like my HS yearbook picture (it was taken over 25 years ago). I laughed and said, no its current! it made me feel GREAT that someone would say that I looked so young!

I was debating on whether or not to put up a before and after pic. I am still thinking about it. I will make this post now and when I get home tonight I most likely will post the pics.

Here is the before picture taken 2/6/05

and this one was taken over the summer.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

37 & 38

The weekend was very quiet. Just hung around the house, did some cleaning and tossing some crap I had sitting around.
Today was BEAUTIFUL! Harry and I took a nice long walk around the Holtsville Ecology Center. It felt good to be outside and not have to be bundled up with coat, hat scarf and gloves!!

Here is what the trail looked like

Day 37

Today I went to my first part of my Girl Scout Training called Daisy Dazzler! I really enjoyed it and I have another 3 hour course next Friday. I have been working on getting my troop together and planning our meetings. I hope that the girls will have fun. :D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Days 35 & 36

Ahhhh to be a cat and lay around in the sun all day. That is my request whan I am reincarnated!!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 34

The weather people were saying we were going to get a huge storm....I have heard it before and I know not to listen anymore!! LOL

Well it wasn't snowing when I left this morning but by the time I got home there was about 3 inches on the ground. It was perfect snowball snow!

When I got home, before I went into the nice warm house, I took this picture of the lights in our garden.

Days 29, 30, 31, 32, 33

WOW...its been a few days I know. I was at my weekend crop and it was FANTASTIC. I have a few pics from the weekend that I will post.

Yesterday was Ground Hog day and he saw his shadow...booo hoooo...6 more weeks of winter! Today we are supposed to have a huge snowstorm but it maybe just rain. Who knows!! LOL

Here is a picture of one set of cards that I no attention to the wine bottle behind them. :D

and here is a picture of my work space at the crop. I was "organizing" my wedding pictures to start scrapping kind of looks like my bag exploded!